I’m very excited to be the newest member of the Kumar lab, joining as a Postdoctoral Associate in November 2022. During my Ph.D. I studied under Dr. Camron Bryant at Boston University’s Pharmacology department working to elucidate the genetic basis for divergent opioid phenotypes in closely related substrains of mice. Through conferences and societies, I became aware of Dr. Kumar’s work on addiction genetics as well as machine learning and was drawn to the cutting-edge approaches implemented in his lab. In the Kumar lab I seek to continue dissecting the impact of genetic diversity on addiction phenotypes, as well as working to improve the “resolution” of phenotypic data collected from mice by implementing machine learning techniques, with the ultimate goal of improving the translatability of mouse behaviors to human disease. Outside of the lab I continue to experiment, but within the confines of my kitchen, brewing, fermenting, and preserving whatever oddities I can dream up, and also have an artistic side, enjoying drawing, painting, and relief print making. I am excited for the opportunities JAX has in store for me, and look forward to developing interesting and cutting-edge research with the Kumar Lab.