We are a group of geneticists, neuroscientists, and computer scientists who are passionate about discoveries of novel targets and models for mental illness through innovation at the confluence of computational, genetic, and genomic methods.
The Kumar Laboratory is located at the Jackson Laboratory in Bar Harbor, Maine. We study neural circuits in the brain whose misregulation leads to behavioral abnormalities including addiction, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and depression. Using mouse molecular genetics as a foundation, and a combination of computational, biochemistry, physiology, and imaging techniques, we dissect these complex conditions in mammals.
Primarily, we use functional genomic approaches in mice to identify genes and pathways that regulate these behaviors. We seek to develop better models of human diseases that can be used by the biomedical research community for therapeutics. Recently, we have applied machine learning and artificial intelligence methods to understand animal behavior at high spatial and temporal resolution, objectively, and over long periods of time. Our work has been published in numerous high impact journals such as Science, eLife, Nature Communications Biology, among others.
Latest Lab News and Blogs:

Cayson and Lucia graduate from the 2024 JAX SSP program
Both Cayson and Lucia finished their 10 week program. Their presentations were fantastic. We wish them luck as they return to college for the fall semester. Here are some photos. [gallery columns="4"...

Malachy’s paper is published in Cell Patterns
Malachy worked for two years on how to use computer vision to determine mouse mass. We are really proud of his accomplishment! Gautam and Brian both were critical in his success. We look forward to all that Malachy will accomplish. Paper link...

Vivek speaks at the Maine Opioid Summit on the Genetics of Addiction
Vivek spoke about the genetics of addiction at Governor Mill's Main Opioid Summit. This was the second year Vivek spoke at this event. https://www.jax.org/news-and-insights/2024/july/jax-researchers-present-addiction-research-and-offer-hope-at-maine-opioid-s...
Kumar Lab Friends of Acadia Soil Heroes!
Here in the Kumar lab, the D in PhD stands for Dirt! As part of The Jackson Lab's commitment to community service the lab carried up ~80 lbs of dirt to the summits of Mt Penobscot and Mt Sargent as part of the summit restoration project! Climate change and human...

Jake’s Trip to NAPS
Last week Dr. Jake Beierle, our post-doctoral fellow, traveled to Montebello Quebec to attend the prestigious North American Pain School (NAPS). At the weeklong event, Jake shared his work assessing migraine models using the Kumar Lab’s machine learning empowered...

SSP Retreat Weekend
The two summer students from the Kumar lab were able to go with the rest of the summer student program (including from the Connecticut campus) to a weekend retreat at Camp Medomak in Washington, Maine! The weekend was spent swimming by the lake, playing various...

Some useful links